
I’m a software engineer who seeks to help people. Pretty normal, isn’t it? Maybe the musician part isn’t, which is a bonus.

I have a few albums published on Bandcamp and other streaming services, linked down below.

I’ve been working with Flutter since I graduated in march/2018, and I’ve published several apps with it: between a chat app with only one message, a manager for your car recalls (Brazil-only), a style-based social network and a pet breed detector, being the last two AI-driven. My most recent project was a audio-only streaming platform! Just hit me up at gildasiogx@gmail.com if you need any help for a project!

I’m also the co-founder of Luki, which was both my final project for my graduation as a software engineer and my first try on the “app platform” market. Luki is a service for small salons or even individual people where you, as a client, can book your next service, receive notifications about it and leave reviews; and your provider has everything they need on their phone instead of using pen and paper to keep track of everything.

And these are the lessons that I gathered by using these frameworks and working on the market with Luki:

  • UX is always left behind when it shouldn’t, focus on what’s best for your clients and their problems
  • A good idea doesn’t mean anything if you don’t go around asking every type of person if they have a problem related to it
  • Software engineering itself means so much more than charts and following patterns defined years ago, and it always revolves around what’s best for you, your team and your project
  • You should always get around the fact that everything is already over if you are trying to solve a problem that only exists in your mind.

Enjoy your visit and send a message about anything, if desired!